Character Profile – When Dogs Cry
Steven Wolfe
“Steven Wolfe is what you’d call a hard bastard”. A fit, tall, short-wiry haired, tough-looking, intimidating, tall and abrupt man that never gives up on anything. He repetitively wears an old pair of jeans, a flanno shirt and athletics shoes.
Explain why you believe your chosen images represent the character from When Dogs Cry.Solid, strong and isolated, in other words “as solid as a rock”, this is one object that really resembles Steve in the book. He is tough, determined, and wise. Having lost connection from his closest mates in the river, he is thrown back into his place, He starts regaining connection and starts flowing along with them to the end of the journey.
Steven Wolfe
Physical description
Personality traits
Steven Wolfe can be considered as a determined, successful, smart, confident and tough man of very few words.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Steve can almost be considered as “the perfect character” however he still has a few weaknesses. In the story, Steve is genuinely isolated, anti-social and disconnected from his family. He rarely notices the situations of others, as he immensely focuses on his future and career. On the other hand, he never gives up, believes in himself, and is very wise for a man of his age. These are only very few strengths of what he is competent to do.
His or her defining moment in the story
This characters most defining moment occurs when he finally realises and confesses to Cameron about his (Cameron) true abilities and capabilities after underestimating and insulting him for many years.
Steve started out underestimating and insulting Cameron in his bad days of depression. Until Octavia came into the picture, Cameron changed into a really great person, a person who Steve never thought he’d become. Because of this, Steve regrets calling him all these bad things and to make it up to him, he started by reconnecting with the family and noticing every achievement and congratulating them (mainly Cameron) on their efforts.
One quote that sums him or her up (include pg reference)
“Steven Wolfe is what you’d call a hard bastard” (Chapter 2, Page 17).